Join the community to get the Smart Start Path to Fitness for Active Adults.

It takes 3 steps to design a sustainable fitness habit.

“You have to want to change more than you want to stay the same”

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“Hi, I’m Sheila, Your personal trainer.


I am passionate about teaching physical fitness, healthy lifestyles and life-balance applications to Active Adults.

Though I’ve been an advocate of health and fitness most of my adult life, it wasn’t until 2015, when I reached the age 64, I made the divine decision to share my personal passion to help others on their fitness journey.”

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Well Fit

Learn complete fitness routines to integrate into your lifestyle with ease. It’s surprisingly fun!


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Well Fed

Get healthy tips for delicious and nutritious recipes that keep you satisfied during the day.

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Join a community of motivated, like-minded active adults to stay accountable and focused on your journey.